Beyond Vanity Metrics: KPIs and KRIs for Meaningful Results

Beyond Vanity Metrics: KPIs and KRIs for Meaningful Results

Hey marketing maestros! Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of numbers, desperately searching for that one magical metric that'll unlock the secrets to success? You're not alone. Measurement is our bread and butter, but it's easy to get lost in the alphabet soup of acronyms. Today, we're serving up a bite-sized guide to two crucial metrics: KPIs and KRIs. Think of them as the dynamic duo of marketing success – Batman and Robin, peanut butter and jelly, cookies and milk... you get the idea.

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The Busy Marketer's Guide to Marketing Automation

The Busy Marketer's Guide to Marketing Automation

Drowning in a sea of emails and to-do lists? You're not alone. But what if there was a way to automate the mundane and reclaim your precious time? Enter the secret weapon of savvy marketers: marketing automation – the culinary equivalent of a sous chef who never calls in sick.

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Short-Form Video Domination: Why Bite-Sized Content is King

Short-Form Video Domination: Why Bite-Sized Content is King

In the era of shrinking attention spans, short-form video formats like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are rapidly becoming the most powerful way to connect with audiences. Brands that haven't yet mastered this trend risk falling behind. But it's not just about short videos; the broader concept of "snackable content" is gaining momentum across all marketing channels.

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Forget the Haters: Influencer Marketing is Here to Stay

Forget the Haters: Influencer Marketing is Here to Stay

As a Sales and Marketing professional, I constantly evaluate trends and strategies to reach our target audience. Let's face it: in the ever-evolving marketing landscape, some tactics fizzle out faster than a one-hit-wonder. But influencer marketing? It's not going anywhere. A recent DEPT® report predicts a whopping 67% of marketers will up their influencer spending in 2024.

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