Heart Over Hand: The Power of Genuine Connection

Heart Over Hand: The Power of Genuine Connection

In the hustle of building our networks, we often default to the familiar – hand out a business card, make the quick pitch, and move on. But genuine connections, the kind that builds lasting relationships and drives referrals, don't happen with a transactional exchange. It's time to ditch the elevator pitch and embrace a new approach: winning hearts, not just handshakes.

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Forget the Haters: Influencer Marketing is Here to Stay

Forget the Haters: Influencer Marketing is Here to Stay

As a Sales and Marketing professional, I constantly evaluate trends and strategies to reach our target audience. Let's face it: in the ever-evolving marketing landscape, some tactics fizzle out faster than a one-hit-wonder. But influencer marketing? It's not going anywhere. A recent DEPT® report predicts a whopping 67% of marketers will up their influencer spending in 2024.

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